How MVP saved me?

Posted by Klāvs Reinfelds on October 18, 2016 · 1 min read

MVP - minimum viable product.

From wiki, "In product development, the minimum viable product (MVP) is a product with just enough features to gather validated learning about the product and its continued development."

My project to-do list was getting bigger and bigger every day. I started to get feeling like I was not progressing and I will not finish this project this month.

I stopped programming and started again to research if this product is really in demand. I started to think about making some smaller tool so I can publish something. I was reading sysadmin subreddit and searching for keywords like "Active Directory reporting". I found some validation for my product and features that I already had built. So I found again motivation to keep programming this AD reporting tool and publish beta version ASAP. Then I made a list of core functionality that I already have and the list was surprisingly big. There was only some core stuff that I have not totally finished.

So now I am concentrating only on those core functions, leaving the big to-do list aside so I can publish beta this month.